Speaker & Author
Robinson is an engaging motivational speaker delighting and educating audiences at various events throughout Canada and the US. Her speech “Life’s a Game” is a humorous and inspiring talk about the experience of inventing the classic board game, Balderdash - from the inception of the idea to becoming the #1 game in North America and sold around the world and being a "multi-passionate creative" - musician, author, actress, and producer. She uses G.A.M.E as acronym for her four pillars of a life well-lived - Gratitude, Authenticity, Music, and Energy.
Laura also plays original music to finish every speech and her message and inspiration for her audiences is that it's never too late to follow your truest dreams… and in fact, doing so keeps you young!
Laura has written several books for the best-selling book series from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson, Chicken Soup for The Soul. She co-wrote one of their highest rated books, Count Your Blessings and also created the companion board game, all about the transformational power of gratitude. She guest-edited CSS’ best seller, Oh Canada, curating stories from Canadian celebs like Amy Sky, Marc Jordan, violinist, Leona Boyd, and hockey star, Matt Duchene. The book includes her own personal story, “Coming Home,” chronicling moving her family from Los Angeles to Toronto in 2003 to be closer to her aging parents. She also co-wrote the Chicken Soup book, Hooked on Hockey – in which she ghost-wrote stories for many NHL hockey greats! Laura is currently working on a memoir called Balderdash, The Box That Laughed, about the journey of inventing, creating, and marketing Balderdash and bringing joy and laughter to millions people all over the world.